Rogue Robot… eep…
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 11 Sep 2007 at 11:20 am | Tagged as: General
We got home on Saturday night and pulling into the driveway we saw Betsie in a spot she really shouldn’t have been able to get to. Stuck right up by the garage door munching on some weeds. I have no clue how she got there, and I have had her on house arrest since then because I haven’t had time to watch her closely yet. She was still powered on (display said ‘BLOCKED’) so it doesn’t seem likely anyone picked her up, she would have turned off as they carried her.
Have you had a chance to run Betsie? Did you find the problem area? Is she still finding her way out of the wire?
She hasn’t been running too much… between the drought we had at the end of summer and the frosts we are getting now.
I did catch her across the driveway again once when she was out last time though. Haven’t figured out what the problem is. I’m planning to redo the wire in the spring. The wire I have out there has a lot of breaks that cause problems (can’t find them) and was used at my first house where I got Betsie and then re-used here.