Super Short Grass
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 09 Nov 2006 at 05:44 pm | Tagged as: General
I was browsing the FAQ at the Probotics Lawnbott Learning
Center and it refreshed my memory to the varying blade lengths Betsie
can cut to: “3/4 to 2 3/4 inches.” I usually leave her set for the taller
end of that. I can’t imaging how short 3/4 of an inch is! Most of my
neighbors leave their lawns longer than even the 2.5 inches mine ends up
being. 3/4 inches must look like a golf course…
Actually a little research shows that golf course greens are generally 3/16″
It seems like when I cut it it went from very green to less so, because it
had never been that short before. I am curious about thatch and how my lawn
will do in the spring and whether I can make it shorter over time.
It’s been raining for a few days, but is finally sunny today. Tonight I’ll
let Bets chop up more leaves, after I install the new blade.
(Hite is a Korean beer) Height!
Anyhow, when you first cut the grass lower after its been at a taller hite, if you see sandy colored or brown grass, what you are actually is the ‘roots’. The grass will learn the new hite and start to green at a lower hite. It becomes trained!
Robotic mowers will force a lot of rethinking from conventional ideas about cutting grass ( the 1/3 rule comes to mind)
Luv the blog!
Thank you for the educational answer about grass roots. That’s what I thought was going on, but wasn’t sure.
My friend told me that it’s better to leave grass a little longer because “grass grows up, but weeds grow horizontally.” So a super short grass is more easily infested (if that’s the right word) by weeds. If the “weeds” are green, I probably won’t mind. Betsie will cut them just the same.