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Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 07 Jun 2006 | Tagged as: General
I raised the blade back up and found a nice dremel tool to sharpen it with. Betsie is doing a great job on the side yard so far!
The side yard is only about 7 feet wide, so I’m curious how long she’ll get stuck over there before returning to the front.
Me neighbor seems to have very thick, tough grass. It’s also deep and spongy under the blades. Quite a challenge for Betsie, and I may just move the wire further onto my property and hope his paid lawn guy cuts the difference.
On another note, my boyfriend and I are house shopping! I never thought I’d be adding “lawn suitable for robot mowing” to my wish list. 🙂
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 27 May 2006 | Tagged as: General
Betsie had been crossing the wire and cutting up the weeds in my flower beds last weekend. She also mowed eratically in the front yard. And the worst part, she crossed the wire and mowed the neighbor’s yard! I couldn’t figure out what was going on! I also was about to go away for a few days. So I left her turned off.
Today I got home and tried putting her in the front yard. She mowed a few feet then stopped, blinked No Signal, backed up, continued forward, repeat. That No Signal made me think something was really up with the wire. I walked around it and found a few spots where it was touching metal and fixed those. I put her in the back yard. She seemed fine there, except for occaisionally, No Signal.
I decided to stop and think. The last time I had her working fine was the day before that guy came and mowed my field down to normal lawn level. Maybe he hit the wire. However, on the same day, I rearranged the wire to cover the side yard. So, two changes.
I decided to make a sketch. I drew the house, fence, and yard. I started drawing the wire from Betsie’s house. It runs out to the front, in front of the garage, along th front of the house, along the side of the house to the trees. Then I left a small gap between the other wire so she could pass through there… Along the back deck, along the other side of the house.. And… Back to the charging station. Oops… That can’t be right. That would mean that I have two unconnected wires. One inside the other, and no power going to the outside perimeter! And that is exactly what I had.
Doh! So I went out to the side yard and redirected the wire to make a u-turn along the neighbors yard to circle the front. It had done that originally… But I switched it somehow.
Now Betsie is mowing just fine. Maybe Kerry was right about engineers causing problems. If it wasn’t a holiday weekend I would have emailed him for help.
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 17 May 2006 | Tagged as: General
I just went to find Betsie before settling in for the evening. I peeked out the window just in case she might have made it home to dock on her own, and there she was! Sleeping in her house. Yay!
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 16 May 2006 | Tagged as: General
In the winter I love looking up at the closed and dark ski area watching the snowcats plow the trails. Betsie is like that for my yard.
Or maybe more like a firefly since she only blinks every few seconds.
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 10 May 2006 | Tagged as: General
The lawnmower my landlord provided with the house won’t start. The one that a neighbor brough over, I can’t make it start. Betsie, the lawnbott, one push of a button and she’s mowing.
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 05 May 2006 | Tagged as: General
Now that the field is getting cut shorter it’s not as green.
I liked it before! Haha
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 04 May 2006 | Tagged as: General
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 04 May 2006 | Tagged as: General
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 04 May 2006 | Tagged as: General
Posted by sara (betsie's mom) on 04 May 2006 | Tagged as: General
We are making a tiny bit of progress on the front field tonight (I can’t call it a lawn in the state it is in now!). Unfortunately, it’s growing taller every day too!
Notice tonight that starting a spiral in a clear spot and chipping away outward works good. She can keep moving that way. Spiralling in the middle of the tall grass doent work at all because she can’t do anything on a single wheel.
If it wasn’t for the seed pods life would be swell.
Still planning on getting it mowed by human intervention if it’s still a field on Saturday!